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Oktoberfest, 1998

Oktoberfest (Nr. 1–9), 1998

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(Nr. 1–9)
Lambda print, 124 x 266 cm (Diasec framing)
Edition 6 + 2 ap

The photo series Oktoberfest (1998) consists of nine wide-angle shots from the marquees of Munich’s Oktoberfest. The work combines aspects of
The Unknown Cathedrals (1995/1997) and Global Soap (2000/2001) in as much as the large tents appear as almost sacred spaces, but hold a bacchanalian event of mass culture attiring people from all over the world. The pictures render visible how this architecture, just like cathedrals or castles, structures masses and incorporates insignia of power, more usually known in ecclesiastic or aristocratic contexts.

L. Korndörfer

Exhibitions / Catalogues

– Rituale, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, April–May 2003 (curated by Nina Mücke, Angelika Sommer; catalogue)
Architourism – Architecture as a Destination for Tourism, Columbia University, Buell Hall, New York, November–December 2002
   (curated by Joan Ockman, Salomon Frausto; catalogue)
Oktoberfest (Nr. 5):
Más de lo que los ojos pueden ver: Arte fotográfico de la Colección Deutsche Bank, MARCO – Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Monterrey,
   February–May 2006 (curated by Friedhelm Hütte)
Oktoberfest (Nr. 5,7):
Wohin kein Auge reicht: Von der Entdeckung des Unsichtbaren, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, May–September 1999
   (curated by Wilhelm Schürmann, Zdenek Felix; catalogue)
Oktoberfest (Nr. 2,3,5,6,9):
Julian Rosefeldt / Piero Steinle, Galerie Six Friedrich | Lisa Ungar, Munich, January–March 2000
Photo Works / Oktoberfest, 1998